WebbFest IV (4)

Saturday October 3, 2009 at the Capitol Arts Center, Bowling Green, Kentucky
WebbFest has become an annual event that brings WebbWilder fans from far and near to see the man, the myth, the legend – Webb Wilder and his band, the Beatnecks. This WebbFest was my first and it exceeded all my expectations. Besides the gracious accolades from all the Webb fans, it was a pleasure to finally meet up with people I have shared e-mails for years. To put a face with an e-mail is a good thing!
My adventure started Friday were I was fortunate to arrive in Nashville and see the leader of a band I followed back in the Bay Area. Steve “Eddie” Rice showed me “Music City” on a Friday night complete with a driving tour of the area pointing out the numerous studios and record labels that inherit the area known as “Music Row” including Studio B which is the famous recording studio where Elvis Presley recorded more than 200 popular hits.
Before heading up to Bowling Green, I had lunch with Alex Call. Who, you may ask? Alex is a singer songwriter best known for penning a song that everyone has heard “867-5309 (Jenny)”. He also was in the band Clover with Huey Lewis before he became huge.
So part three of my musical adventure weekend was still to come. I drove up to Bowling Green and checked in my hotel when I received a call from Hunter telling me of a get together in front of the Capitol Art Center prior to the show. Thus I went there to finally meet Hunter in person as well as Mike and Eric. We soon were enlisted to unload the swag and basically be willing extra pairs of hands to help move things along as the band showed up. It was obvious that they were fired up for this show. To play a theater instead of a club was a treat. Webb later called it “swanky”.
A quick bite to eat was followed by the “Webb Boarders” pre-show meeting. I donated some long lost “Acres Of Suede” promo posters from the defunct Watermelon records days as part of the door prize giveaway. While the entry way was small to the theater, it was great to meet Tater, Tommy Lee, Linda, Mike M., Nancy, and so many others. I was especially happy to meet up with Glenn S. as we have shared a very common musical history dating back to my Beat Farmer days. THANK YOU ALL for the kind words. I hold a small place Wilder history and am proud of that.
Apparently, all the techno geeks had to sit in the same row which was funny that all three Webb-site keepers were together. Good fun!
Scattergun was AWESOME. Why this has not caught on anywhere is beyond me. I continue to hope that somebody out there has the forethought to see a good thing and run with it!
The band took the stage to a sold-out theater. Many new fans there thanks to the great promotion of D93. I heard their radio promo on the drive in. Very nice. The set list was complete with several nice surprises as seen below. I was told that the band worked up numerous songs as a treat for the fans. Not all were played but many were! “Scattered Smothered And Covered” was played live for the first time and was very cool. Bob Williams continues to impress me with his guitar work. It is top notch. Plus he is a real nice guy. Apparently after the first set, while talking to Glenn, a fan came an asked me for his autograph thinking I was Bob. I said that while we may be the same height, I only play Guitar Hero and Bob is much better looking than I thus I declined to ruin the fan's WW Credo poster.
Jimmy and Tom provide a great rhythm section, as usual. You know they are good because you don’t really notice them unless you take notice of how tight the band sounds. Kudos once again to them.
Webb is always a treat and was gracious enough to thank many people and be one of the best performers I have ever seen live onstage. As the night came to a close, all left realizing that they had just witnessed a top notch show. As I told Eric on my way out “you have a lot of work to top that at next year’s WebbFest”. If I am fortunate to have the time and money, I will see you all again next year at WebbFest V.
Thanks again!!!
Set 1
Flat Out Get It
Lookin’ For A Fool
Human Cannonball
Pretty Little Lights Of Town
Too Cool For Love
Still Water Runs Deep
Everyday (I Kick Myself)
Don't Slander Me
She's Not Romantic
Honky Tonkin’ (in Mississippi)
Pretty Is As Pretty Does
Rough Rider
Come Around
Loud Music
(actual set list below)
Flat Out Get It
Lookin’ For A Fool
Human Cannonball
Pretty Little Lights Of Town
Too Cool For Love
Still Water Runs Deep
Everyday (I Kick Myself)
Don't Slander Me
She's Not Romantic
Honky Tonkin’ (in Mississippi)
Pretty Is As Pretty Does
Rough Rider
Come Around
Loud Music
(actual set list below)
Set 2
Big Time
No Great Shakes
Changing Colors
Ju Ju Man
Sudden Stop
The Only One
I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night)
Slow Death
Wild Honey
Scattered Smothered And Covered
The Rest (Will Take Care Of Itself)
Hoodoo Witch
Tough It Out
Hittin’ Where It Hurts
Baby Please Don't Go
(actual set list below)
Big Time
No Great Shakes
Changing Colors
Ju Ju Man
Sudden Stop
The Only One
I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night)
Slow Death
Wild Honey
Scattered Smothered And Covered
The Rest (Will Take Care Of Itself)
Hoodoo Witch
Tough It Out
Hittin’ Where It Hurts
Baby Please Don't Go
(actual set list below)

WebbFest - initial announcement
Webb Fest IV will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky on Saturday October 3rd, 2009 at the Capitol Arts Theater. This year we are partnering with Karen Hume, Director of the Capitol Arts Alliance, Bryan Locke of WDNS Radio in Bowling Green and the usual suspects: Hunter Goatley, Dolly & Jim Chandler, Dori & Mike McCalvin, Eric McCracken, and the Man himself, Webb Wilder along with agent extraordinaire - Nancy Lewis-Pegel. It has been a team effort by all the above to get this set up.
The Capitol Arts Theater is a beautiful venue with 800 seats. The floor slants up toward the back so that all 600 floor seats are good seats and there is a balcony that holds 200 more seats. They are giving us 250 seats in the front and center of the theater and the Capitol Arts Alliance will sell the remaining 550 seats.
We are going to do tickets a little differently this year. Traditionally about 30% of the tickets we send out are not used. To remedy that, we will be charging our folks a mere $5.00 for each ticket this year. This is not done as a profit-making scheme but rather to ensure that the tickets get used. The show is still free for us Webb Board folks because the tickets we send out will have a little stamp of our own which will entitle the bearer to redeem them at the SWAG table for a full $5.00 worth of SWAG (Tee-Shirts, CDs, DVDs etc.).
We will be able to get in early, before the general public, so that we can do our door prizes, mingle and socialize with each other a little, and occupy our choice seats before everyone else arrives.
What all this means is that we need to have you folks reserve your tickets early this year so that we have all 250 of them reserved as soon as possible. Then the Capitol Arts folks can start selling their tickets & people will not come to this site to get free tickets rather than purchase them in Bowling Green. We will announce on the Webb Board when our tickets will be available to reserve and Mr. Mike Omatic will, no doubt, provide us with another email address to use to order the tickets. In order to get tickets through us, you have to have been a Webb-Board Member prior to the date the tickets are advertised here, or a person who has ordered tickets for Webb Fest I, II, or III.
We plan on raffling off an autographed Bass Guitar this year, which Mr. Tom Comet may agree to play on for a song or two. As usual there will be door prizes, a video and whatever other Tomfoolery we can think of between now and then.
The Brand New (opened January 2009) La Quinta Inn & Suites located 1953 Mel Browning St. Bowling Green KY 42104 has agreed to block Webb Fest IV attendees 30 rooms at a rate of $69+ tax. They will also hold 10 rooms for Friday, WW IV eve at the same rate.
This property has an indoor pool and hot tub, wireless internet and a hot breakfast. Our rate is for a king or 2 double bed rooms. Suites are available at an additional charge. The property is a little less than 4 miles from the venue and cab service is available.
The hotel will hold these rooms until September 3rd, 2009 or until they are all taken, whichever occurs first. Reservations can be made by calling 1-270-783-0771 and stating that you are with Webb Fest IV.
The hotel is located at Exit 22 on I-65, has a Cracker Barrel directly across the street and numerous other restaurants within walking distance. There will be another hotel secured shortly to give folks a choice in there lodging
UPDATE: 08/26/09 The La Quinta has sold out the allotted WebbFest rooms BUT there is an alternative next door. The Hometown Suites of Bowling Green is now the Co-Host hotel for Webb Fest IV. They have rooms available, various types, and all are suites. The management has been gracious enough to offer Webb fans a $67+ tax rate. The suites start at $99 which this is a great discount. When making your reservation you need to tell the representative at the hotel you are with Webb Fest IV to get this rate. The hotel is right next door to the La Quinta.
Address: Hometown Suites, 1929 Mel Browning St., Bowling Green, KY 42104; Phone 270-846-3311
Webb Fest IV will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky on Saturday October 3rd, 2009 at the Capitol Arts Theater. This year we are partnering with Karen Hume, Director of the Capitol Arts Alliance, Bryan Locke of WDNS Radio in Bowling Green and the usual suspects: Hunter Goatley, Dolly & Jim Chandler, Dori & Mike McCalvin, Eric McCracken, and the Man himself, Webb Wilder along with agent extraordinaire - Nancy Lewis-Pegel. It has been a team effort by all the above to get this set up.
The Capitol Arts Theater is a beautiful venue with 800 seats. The floor slants up toward the back so that all 600 floor seats are good seats and there is a balcony that holds 200 more seats. They are giving us 250 seats in the front and center of the theater and the Capitol Arts Alliance will sell the remaining 550 seats.
We are going to do tickets a little differently this year. Traditionally about 30% of the tickets we send out are not used. To remedy that, we will be charging our folks a mere $5.00 for each ticket this year. This is not done as a profit-making scheme but rather to ensure that the tickets get used. The show is still free for us Webb Board folks because the tickets we send out will have a little stamp of our own which will entitle the bearer to redeem them at the SWAG table for a full $5.00 worth of SWAG (Tee-Shirts, CDs, DVDs etc.).
We will be able to get in early, before the general public, so that we can do our door prizes, mingle and socialize with each other a little, and occupy our choice seats before everyone else arrives.
What all this means is that we need to have you folks reserve your tickets early this year so that we have all 250 of them reserved as soon as possible. Then the Capitol Arts folks can start selling their tickets & people will not come to this site to get free tickets rather than purchase them in Bowling Green. We will announce on the Webb Board when our tickets will be available to reserve and Mr. Mike Omatic will, no doubt, provide us with another email address to use to order the tickets. In order to get tickets through us, you have to have been a Webb-Board Member prior to the date the tickets are advertised here, or a person who has ordered tickets for Webb Fest I, II, or III.
We plan on raffling off an autographed Bass Guitar this year, which Mr. Tom Comet may agree to play on for a song or two. As usual there will be door prizes, a video and whatever other Tomfoolery we can think of between now and then.
The Brand New (opened January 2009) La Quinta Inn & Suites located 1953 Mel Browning St. Bowling Green KY 42104 has agreed to block Webb Fest IV attendees 30 rooms at a rate of $69+ tax. They will also hold 10 rooms for Friday, WW IV eve at the same rate.
This property has an indoor pool and hot tub, wireless internet and a hot breakfast. Our rate is for a king or 2 double bed rooms. Suites are available at an additional charge. The property is a little less than 4 miles from the venue and cab service is available.
The hotel will hold these rooms until September 3rd, 2009 or until they are all taken, whichever occurs first. Reservations can be made by calling 1-270-783-0771 and stating that you are with Webb Fest IV.
The hotel is located at Exit 22 on I-65, has a Cracker Barrel directly across the street and numerous other restaurants within walking distance. There will be another hotel secured shortly to give folks a choice in there lodging
UPDATE: 08/26/09 The La Quinta has sold out the allotted WebbFest rooms BUT there is an alternative next door. The Hometown Suites of Bowling Green is now the Co-Host hotel for Webb Fest IV. They have rooms available, various types, and all are suites. The management has been gracious enough to offer Webb fans a $67+ tax rate. The suites start at $99 which this is a great discount. When making your reservation you need to tell the representative at the hotel you are with Webb Fest IV to get this rate. The hotel is right next door to the La Quinta.
Address: Hometown Suites, 1929 Mel Browning St., Bowling Green, KY 42104; Phone 270-846-3311